While implementing swagger documentation for an API in ASP .Net Core, if you see an error like following: Failed to load API definition OR Fetch error: undefined /swagger/v1/swagger.json OR Then, try to browse swagger url for the application, for example, https://localhost:44322/swagger/v1/swagger.json Here it might give you a clue about the error, for me, it was […]

Add routing Ideally, if starting a new project, prefer to enable routing while executing the ng cli command. “ng new”. But, for some reason if we forget, then follow steps will help. Add Route module: here, app-routing is a module name- whch will encapsualte our routing configuration, –flat prevents module to be created in its […]

In my last post – Facebook Authentication in an Angular application, I tried securing my Angular SPA with social login. The intent was only users authenticated by Facebook will be allowed to access the application. A SPA would generally involve calling an API endpoint to fetch data or update some values. Therefore, naturally the next […]

This post is an outcome of the next learning task which I took upon myself for my self learning series. In my last post – Facebook Authentication in ASP.Net Core without Identity, I tried securing .Net Core Web application with social login. The intent was only users authenticated by Facebook will be allowed to access […]

Subscribe to Observables IMPORTANT :- Everytime we subscribe to an observable, each subscriber will have it own execution flow. That means, the code which generate data inside the observable (next) will be executed once for each subscriber. That means, they are UNICAST. There are two ways to subscribe. 1) when using in a template can […]

Short version Aim is to use OWIN Authentication middleware using external authentication and Asp.Net Identity for a Asp.Net MVC 4 application in Visual Studio 2012. Longer version There has been a lot of talk about OWIN. The advantages it brings to developers so that they don’t have to write their code specific to a particular […]

Debugging MVC Routes Today I found this excellent nuget package from Phil Haack. Using this nuget package we can easily check/debug the routes which are configured for a ASP.NET MVC application. Phil has documented about this tool here.

Very recently for a project requirement, my boss asked me to explore Expressions in c#. At that time I only knew that Expression/Expression tree are used by LINQ data providers and that they are a much lower level language feature. I was sure that for a application developer the chances are that I would rarely […]

While going through a post about message handlers in a ASP.Net Web API, a quick thought about Filters also stuck my mind. And here I was… not sure which one to use in case of a WebApi. Background Filters First let me try to state what in past I have experimented with a Filter. – […]